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2009-11-19 21:26   中华品牌网   _   我要评论(0)

The Good Business Women of China

Beijing, China November 8th, 2009 -- Bocconi School of Business and Economics Alumni Association (ALUB) in Beijing is willing to celebrate the first of a cycle of lectures entitled “The Good Business Women of China”, an intercultural dialogue between business women who achieved brilliant success in the Chinese market. The event praises not only business success stories but also the women behind them. The first lecture will take place on December 7th, at 7 p.m. at the Italian Institute of Culture in the Italian Embassy in Beijing (2, San Li Tun Dong Er Jie - 100600 Beijing).

中国,北京,2009年11月8日 – 意大利博科尼大学校友会(ALUB)北京分会将隆重推出第一次协会活动并将主题策定为“中国商界女强”。在本次活动中,两位背景各异而同样在中国商界业绩斐然的女性代表将展开智慧对话,讲述成功故事,并探询故事背后的女性特质和内心世界。活动定于2009年12月7日晚7点于意大利驻华使馆文化处举行(地址:北京市朝阳区三里屯东二街2号,邮编100600)。

The meeting will make a parallel between the Chinese-born Yuki Tan, director of Pilion Trading Co. Ltd and former president and general manager of Folli Follie brand, and the Italian-born Carla Cico, Ceo of Ambrosetti Group in Beijing and former Ceo of Brasil Telecom SA.

当晚的两位女主角分别为:谈雪晶女士(Ms. Yuki Tan),生于中国,上海碧恋云贸易有限公司创始人及董事长,前Folli Follie品牌中国区总裁;齐柯女士(Ms. Carla Cico),来自意大利,欧洲咨询联盟-安博思集团中国公司CEO,前巴西电信CEO。

The dialogue will try to reveal the real lives of business women in contemporary China and their secret recipe for success.


About Yuki Tan: under the direction of Ms. Tan, the brand “Folli Follie” (jewellery, accessories and watches) achieved a highly successful market entry into China. Today Ms. Tan remains a Director and Shareholder of Pilion Trading Co. (Shanghai) Limited, the company responsible for all aspects of the “Folli Follie” brand’s operations in China. In 2004 she was awarded “100 Most Successful Female Leaders in China” By “Women of China” magazine (National Press) and “Top 10 the most Influential Female in China” by - China’s leading website - in a national readers’ poll. In 2008 Ms. Tan was named among “Top 25 Business Women in China” by Business Weekly.

谈雪晶女士背景介绍:在谈女士的领导下,来自希腊的Folli Follie品牌(产品覆盖珠宝、配饰及手表等)得以成功进入中国市场。2002年谈女士创立了上海碧恋云贸易有限公司并出任董事长。该公司负责Folli Follie在中国市场的全面运营。谈女士被《中国女性》(全国发行)评为“中国成功女性领袖100强”(2004年),在新浪网(中国最具影响力网站之一)全国网友评选中荣获“中国10大最具影响力女性”称号(2004年),并上榜《商业周刊》“中国商界女性25强”(2008年)。

About Carla Cico: Ms. Cico has been in charge of high managerial positions in international telecom companies such as Brasil Telecom, Telecom Italia, Italtel. Today Ms. Cico is Ceo of Ambrosetti Group, international consultancy company specialized in strategic consultancy, with the headquarters in Milan, Italy. In 1994 and 1995, she was ranked by both the Forbes Magazine and the Fortune Magazine as one of the ‘most powerful women in international business’ (32nd on the former and 25th on the latter ranking) and elected as the best CEO in the Latin America Telecommunications sector by Reuters International Investor Research in 2003.

齐柯女士背景介绍:齐柯女士在电信行业经验丰富,曾担任巴西电信、意大利电信、Italtel等国际电信公司高管。现任欧洲咨询联盟-安博思集团中国公司CEO,该公司为知名国际咨询公司,在战略咨询及论坛组织方面享有盛誉,总部位于意大利米兰。 1994年和1995年,齐柯女士两度被福布斯杂志和财富杂志评选为“全球最具影响力商界女性”(分别排名第32位和第25位),并被路透社全球投资者调查评选为2003年“拉美电信业最杰出CEO”。

For additional information, please contact Carlo Ferrara (+86 13911676354) or Gianpaolo Camaggio (+86 13810119330). For Media information Sara Vettori (+86 13911029275).

更多信息,欢迎垂询 卡罗先生(Mr. Carlo Ferrara, +86 139 1167 6354)或 姜培禄先生(Mr. Gianpaolo Camaggio, +86 138 1011 9330)。媒体事宜,欢迎联络 姗姗女士(Ms. Sara Vettori, +86 139 1102 9275)。



TAG: 中国商界女强 意大利 校友会 博科尼 大学
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